Drug Court

What is a Drug Court?

Drug courts are problem-solving courts that operate under a specialized model in which the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, law enforcement, mental health, social service, and treatment communities work together to help non-violent offenders find restoration in recovery and become productive citizens.  The 26th Judicial District Court operates Drug Court Programs available to Adults and Juveniles.  Under this Program the offender must plead guilty before the regular court before receiving the opportunity to transfer to the Drug Court Program.

Drug Courts are the most effective justice intervention for treating drug-addicted people. Drug Courts reduce drug use. Drug Courts reduce crime. Drug Courts save money. Drug Courts restore lives. Drug Courts save children and reunite families.  If a defendant is interested in finding more information about the Drug Court Program available in the 26th Judicial District, serving Bossier and Webster Parishes, please ask your attorney, or one of the contacts below.


Lana Rosalee

Drug Court Coordinator

26th Judicial District Court

Phone: (318) 746-3353

Melissa Fox

Court Administrator

E-mail:  mfox@26jdc.com

26th Judicial District Court

Phone: (318) 965-2217

Office Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm